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School Discounts on Broadway Junior Shows



Teton Music has an arrangement with MTI Broadway Junior to offer junior versions of some of their most popular shows at exclusive pricing. These are the same shows offered by MTI without extra performance fees and your school will have unlimited performing rights for one year. That adds up to big savings for your elementary or middle school budget!

Browse broadway junior shows for middle schools

Who is eligible to purchase this showkit?

  • Accredited schools using actors in Grades K-9, including American schools with an APO address
  • Homeschool organizations


1. Browse and choose your Show
Your hardest decision might be which show to perform first! Select the Showkit for the show you want. It includes everything you need for 30 performers. We sell additional scripts and other materials if you need.

2.  Make your purchase
Does your school require an invoice and purchase order? No problem! Just email us at service@tetonmusic.com and our team can help you.

3. Receive your License Agreement email
Once your order has been placed, our performance license team will prepare your contract. This is generally a quick process, so look for your agreement within a week of placing your order

4. Read, sign and send your license agreement
Once your signed agreement is received, we will ship your order.

5. Put on your show! 
Now the fun really begins! You and your students are about to have one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences of their lives! 

Browse broadway junior shows for middle schools